Give it a Million Years, I'll be in the History Books!

Wassup! I'm Ben! And I run this website! (Duh), I'm a male who was born on 30 July in Sydney, Australia (Where I still live) I'm a Nerd who wants to be an Animator and Musician Soon enough! Oh! and Speaking of me being a Nerd, my favourite TV show is Ben 10 (The 2006 one, the Reboot Sucks) and my favourite Video Game is Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii, I don't have a favourite Movie (Yet) Some of my favorite things are Hanging out with my friends, Playing with my Dog, Willow, and Going places (Such as Theme Parks, The Local Libary, Friends Houses, and Museums) I'm vey Chaotic and energetic, I like to call this: "Benergy!" BUT I'm constantly bored, and have nothing to do, so to pass the time, I usally watch TV, play Video Games, Browse the Internet, do stuff on this very website, or pretty much anything on the "My Favourtie things" list (Earlier in the Page) Oh! and McDonald's: Me like Good ol' Maccas!
